查看完整版本: search issue

xueqi89 2011-6-10 06:31

[quote]Original posted by [i]voyeur123[/i] at 2011-1-28 13:10 [url=http://www.sexinsex.net/forum/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=66925868&ptid=3624761][img]http://www.sexinsex.net/forum/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Have you bothered yourself to browse this thread through from the beginning?
If you have, then you would regret to have posed such a question. [/quote]

wow this link is awesome thanks for sharing

sexgoon 2011-6-11 14:10

I think the reason is your access level is not enough. When you upgrade to level 3, there should be a "search" button avavilabel

nyhyeah 2011-6-11 22:49

I need the search function too

nyhyeah 2011-6-11 22:49

3 level,mean that 500 gold,my god

nyhyeah 2011-6-11 22:50

3 level,mean that 500 gold,my god

3 level,mean that 500 gold,my god

1355067783 2011-6-13 00:04

i am sorry,i can't help you,sorry

a55paht 2011-6-17 16:40

really? i better try now, report this to the admin or just search for the rules

zkzk007 2011-6-18 14:55

I think you have to reach a certain level to search.
If you like, you could donate to upgrade quickly.

weiming789 2011-6-19 11:28

now search only nid lv2 what?but lv2 still so far for me:cry

ficoal 2011-6-20 16:15

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dumbfrog 2011-6-20 21:24

Jump to level 3 or use google:sweat
try to contribute something here:sweat

huoyan091 2011-8-3 15:36

I do no know that sorry

随风行走 2011-8-5 01:24

By copy-and-paste my post, you risk your little forum life here. Dear

mish 2011-8-6 09:36

you need to be at least level 2

boyyy3335 2011-8-8 10:26

Press on the 'search' button and put ur keyword

sunjieson 2011-8-17 09:39

you must get to lever 2 first

atine 2011-8-17 15:32

the users who is more than lv2  are entitled to use the search function.
in order to level up, you should share your resource or , make some elite post .

hunterqwer1234 2011-9-4 16:05

i have  the same question too!how to search issue!!!

q8347876362401 2011-9-9 19:25

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aqz1111111 2011-9-30 20:04

I like issue too~!:sleep
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查看完整版本: search issue