苏格拉无底 发表于 2009-10-3 00:07 只看TA 1楼 |
[其它] Throat: A Cautionary Tale [flv/737.6MB] 【影片名稱】:4244629@sis Throat:A Cautionary Tale【影片大小】:737.6MB 【影片時間】:02:04:05 【影片格式】:FLV 【是否有碼】:無碼 【解壓密碼】:無 【下載地址】:http://www.rayfile.com/files/098 ... -a341-0014221b798a/ fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTQucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvNmM5M2IwN2U1YmY2MmE2YjRkYTBkY2M5ZGVjZTk5MzYvdjExOTFfbW92aWVfaGlnaF9tZC5mbHZ8NzczNDU2OTYyfDQyNDQ2MjklNDBzaXNUaHJvYXQlRUYlQkMlOUFBJTIwQ2F1dGlvbmFyeSUyMFRhbGUuZmx2 首先给大家介绍一下这个电影: 本部电影乃VIVID出品,想必大家对“VIVID出品”这几个字的分量是很清楚的了吧 这可以说是深喉(深喉大家应该很了解了吧)系列的一部 请看这里的介绍 Vivid Entertainment owner Steven Hirsch told XFANZ reporters at the FAME Awards in June 2008 that the company is producing a remake of Deep Throat starring Sasha Grey.[10] The making of this film was the subject of the Showtime original series Deeper Throat. Vivid had planned to release its remake but Arrow Productions, the copyright owner did not like the deviation from the original storyline or the manner in which the film was directed and cast. They then withdrew permission to make the remake to "Deep Throat," and forced Steve Hirsch to remarket and edit his movie for copyright purposes. Hirsch changed the name of the title to Throat: A Cautionary Tale and it was released in March 2009 再介绍一下VIVID: 说是介绍其实我觉得大家也懒得看没劲的介绍 所以我特意找来了VIVID ENTERTAINMENT的维基百科页面 里面收录了VIVID GIRLS列表,这可是一个大财富啊 从那儿慢慢追寻你会发现更多的精品 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viv ... List_of_Vivid_Girls 最后说几句废话: 这是用RS一点一点拖下来的,多少个PART啊。。。 于是我就给传到rayfile发给大家共享 这是一部可以当做剧情片看的AV 当然,如果你能把持住的话 第一次在免空区发帖,希望大家多点支持 谢谢 【圖片預覽】: ![]() |
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作者的其他主题 |
Throat: A Cautionary Tale [flv/737.6MB] |
我这文件该发到哪儿? |
[有码/176*144]男人的梦想,性爱计程车5[3gp/147.0 MB][网盘原创] |
苏格拉无底 发表于 2009-10-3 00:11 只看TA 2楼 |
这是什么情况,我完全按照http://这个帖子里面说的DIVSHARE的教程做的,怎么图片无法显示? |
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