An anchor on China's state-run television network has accidentally declared the Philippines a part of China, in an embarrassing gaffe as tensions between the two nations run high.
He Jia, anchor for China Central Television's (CCTV) nationally televised news broadcast, made the claim during a late Monday broadcast that has been repeatedly replayed on the Internet.
The presenter apparently meant to say that the Huangyan islands -- known in the Philippines as the Scarborough Shoal, and claimed by both nations -- is China's territory.
"We all know that the Philippines is China's inherent territory and the Philippines belongs to Chinese sovereignty, this is an indisputable fact," He said in the broadcast, which has since disappeared from the CCTV website but is available elsewhere on the web.
Viewers joked in online postings that the presenter's nationalistic fervour led to her mistake.
"This anchor woman is great, a good patriot, she has announced to the world the the Philippines belongs to China," said a microblogger named helenjhuang.
"We should attack directly, send (Philippine President Benigno) Aquino packing and take back our inherent territory."
Another microblogger named kongdehua said, "the Philippines have basically been making irrational trouble, if they want to start a war then we will strike, no one fears them.
"If every Chinese spat once, we could drown (the Philippines)."
CCTV officials refused comment on He's gaff when contacted by AFP and would not say whether the station had apologised.
When commenting on territorial disputes and separatist movements in Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang and neighbouring sea areas, Chinese diplomats and media routinely claim all such areas as an "indisputable part of China's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Fu Ying said late Monday Beijing was ready for "any escalation" of the maritime standoff with the Philippines that has become one of the most high-profile flare ups over the South China Seas and its vast oil and gas deposits in years.
Has China indeed stopped importing banana from the Philippines? That's is serious.
Perhaps the Philippines should stop importing goods from China.. But on the other hand, is anybody even aware that there are Filipino owned businesses in China? These Filipino owned businesses used to operate right here in the Phil. But because of high taxes and falling demand for the products that they produce, they've been forced to moce production lines to China because it is actually less expensive to run a business there than here in the Phil.
Chinese people always squint their eyes, not checking if they had marked their teritorrial lands properly. And after they marked their maps, still with their eyes squinted, they assume they own the whole world. May al Chinese men in other coiuntries be kidnapped, raped and beheaded.
The Philippine Government deserves an apology from China. True colors are showing and other neighboring countries maybe in danger!
Uncivilized greed****iots truly show their true color. What a shame on those kind of people on earth!
chukchak chenes
Many Chinese could not reply on this thread because they are bunch of loser monkeys and cannot understand and speak English
chukchak chenes
China only knows how to bully small countries like Philippines, Taiwan and the rest of the Southeast Asian Nation not to mention Tibet. I'm wondering why China cannot claim other part of the continent such as some parts of Russia the former USSR. You know why? because chinese communist loser is scared with Russia and the rest of the world that is why they do not want to do it on a diplomatic manner. Chinese Communist Gay sh*t bunch of coward monkeys like the loser rocket of North Korea. PRC and DPRK should be burn in Hell ****ll of Sh*t. They are claiming something that they do not own plus the fact that they do not know how to speak english. what a loser
chukchak chenes
Chinese eat bananas because they are bunch of monkeys that do not know how to think
Sieg Ramos
For a journalist, that is a barbaric thing to say.
James Cua (RTTChen)
oh no, whatever are we gonna do w/ all those bananas, however are we going to keep up with our governments e****mic deficit w/o China's purchasing of 75% of our BANANAS. L O L! Lord, what an i d i o t !!!
James Cua (RTTChen)16 hours ago
i'm just wondering, if China claims everything including island nations that are in the south china sea, what is the UN and NATO gonna do ****u**** if they try to invade the Philippines in force? emphasis on the word "try". oh, and also, what is our alliance with the US gonna do ****u**** too? should we, as peoples of the world, forever be threatened by a hostile force who try to dominate smaller countries? should we, as peoples of the world, back down whenever said hostile force starts flexing their muscles at us? wouldn'**** be better, as peoples of the world, eradicate said muscular nations and live in peace and harmony? if these hostile nations can't back down through diplomacy, then freakin nuke the goddamn **** and ge**** over with!
The longer Scarsbrough, the more Philippines will suffer.
China has already stopped buying bananas from Philippines. Do you guys know that 75% of bananas produced in the Philippines are sold to CHINA? Now China has decided to buy from Thailand instead. The longer this problem goes, the more the Philippines will suffer. This island is useless to the Philippines and plus dont we have 7000+ islands already?!
chukchak chenes
Hey Chinese Communist A**Holes! eat your own sh*t you do not own Scarborough Shoal Philippines do.
We can never deny the right to express one's ideas, even asserting press freedom..though still we have to be very care****l to the extent of choosing the right words to say...
chukchak chenes
Hey Chinese A**holes! Learn first how to speak English properly before claiming something that you do not own
If they have beenwatching our own TV.. they would have seen how Raymart tag-teamed Tulfo..that's what they're going to get if they invade us.
“We all know thatthe Philippines is China’s inherent territory and the Philippines belongs toChinese sovereignty, this is an indisputable fact,”
...ha!? then whyis China so effing afraid of bringing and settling down this issue to Unclos?it is the only way to go to settle Spratlys dispute. another irresponsiblereport coming from China.
It only shows thatthis woman is just a parrot, or mouthpiece but she doesnt have a clue on whatthis is all about.
She pretends to bediscussing her opinion, but with these obvious mistakes it proves that herbrain is full of air and shallow regarding the issue.
These "Indisputable Fact" thing, really,arent we all tired of hearing this? I can hear it from their embassy, foreignaffairs, chinese media both print and tv...
seriously, did these people went inside an institutionwhere they write "Indisputable Fact" a million times on a blackboard?They parrot this over and over again..
Sutra Li
Hunter Haynes
<translation> Filipino group idiot ~ heavenly people abunch of saliva can giveyou drowned</translation>
Sutra Li
菲律宾就是美国人养的一条狗!Philippines is a dog raised by the Americans!
EunRi Han careful on what you are saying!!
And you are an illogical, thoughtless entity bred by anoppressive nation. "Dogs" are way better than that! Raised byAmericans or not, it doesn't change the fact that dogs bite. Think if you can.XD
Here's an encrypted message intended for Noynoy. Cansomeone decrypt this for us please?
Translation using google translate:
The Philippines, we do not want to quarrel with you andyour fight, we are all friends, we want peace. Deceptive can be your Presidenttoo quickly, to fool the people, do not think we bullied! Either we do notfight if the fight took you down with a thorough, completely afraid to fight!
(译注:此处为菲律宾网友用google翻译楼上中国人haibing shen发表的中文评论)
with the chinesecontrolling our economy and local politics, there's a semblance of truth to thestatement.
THIS IS FUNNY! Whywant to claim everything that is near to the Philippines? Aren't they a memberof United Nations to begin with?
take care of yourlove one. chinese eat human. that's why it affect their mind.
I bet youPnoy made an under the table deal with china for the Philippines to be aterritory In return, china will give him a province in china name aptlyrenamed Hacienda Luisita II. Hahahaha. Approve!!!! Lol
Chinese governmentis clearly breeding a nation of irrational and non-thinking people. The people,on the other hand, should open their minds, think for themselves and doaway with this inappropriate act of patriotism. Stop living in the past, China!It's the 21st century, for crying out loud. Claiming that the Philippines isyour territory is so foolish. Enough of this conceitedness! You don't defygravity! What goes up must come down. As for a 'lowly' nation like us, there'sno other way for us to go but up.
Why don't theyclaim the entire United States... he he. They say, they were the first one orahead in discovering those far away places now known as America. Go ahead.*Joke lang*
Randell Tamisen
Why would theyeven bother to claim ownership of spratlys island if they own the Philippines?just saying
because they're idiots, that's why.
China is slowlybeing lured into a trap designed by the U.S. State Department. The Chinese arebeing lured to make aggressive moves and rhetoric which is intended to agitatethe Filipino people. When the Filipinos are agitated enough, a bill allowingthe U.S. bases' return to the Philippines, possibly in General Santos City,will be filed in Congress with just a minority opposition.
You think US will risk tension escalation with theirbiggest trade partner, causing economic ramifications just so they can havebases in Mindanao?
Well either way, its a win-win for the U.S., after all,war is their parallel economy.
J.C. Navera
The problem with that assumption is that during theKorean War, the US economy actually contracted.
well, it was an age when war was fought with ideals andpatriotism. a totally different era.
The US knows very well the importance of China as atrading partner and as a major creditor. And they also know very well bothparties will avoid any shooting war. But this is war of rhetoric. Having a basein a strategic location in Asia is about strategic positioning, not reallyabout a shooting war. This is about who gets the advantage going into anynegotiating table. This is about any negotiation from a position of strength.
Update: HeJia issued an apology on her Weibo account:
“May 7, 2012, whenI was hosting 24 Hours, a program at CCTV News Chanel, I made a mistakethat shouldn’t have happened. I mistakenly said “the Philippines” when I neededto say “the Huangyan Island”. Hereby, I sincerely apologize to all the audienceand my co-workers! Sorry for all the trouble! A news anchor shoulders mountain-heavyresponsibilities at every minute. From now on, I will work extra hard andcarefully. Sincerely apologize!
NubbinA. Zareno
chao ni mah china!how stupid cud u be?
Surround the 33Chinese vessels already inside the Lagoon with many of our ships to preventthem from coming out ! And wait for them to fire the first shot and let theworld see who is the antagonist !
We cann't continuelet China illegally invade and taking away our mother land guys.Inevitable talkon state television CCTV announce China is ready to take back Phillipine. Fightfor our right. we need to storm Chinese ambassy , kick every single one of themout.
GREEDY COMMUNISTCHINA! FREE TIBET! FREE HONG KONG! FREE MACAU! FREE TAIWAN! The chinese peopleshould realize what they are missing "FREEDOM". let us start ademocratic revolution in china! Remember Tiananmen square! get rid of yourgreedy communist leaders
Invade thephilippines and learn again what so many countries learned when fighting asmall country
The Soviets learned this in Afghanistan
The Americans learned this in Vietnam
The sound of IEDS
Dirty fighting
And Jungle Warfare
And your economy will shatter!
Last time I checked, there were no effective spy planes,satellite images and drones that time so....
Enough is Enough.Have some self-respect!
She made simpleerror which she apologised.
aballa c
no she did not, can you not read? where is the apologystated? what they did is delete the video, you can never expect the chinese toadmit a mistake, that's a fact!
The ChineseCommunists are SO GREEDY that they even use their aborted chinese fetuses forbusiness! There are just so many of these aborted fetuses, might as well makeprofits from them LOL Capsules with human flesh, anyone??