a perfect indian
sing by
sinead o'cornner
a perfect indian is he
remembering him life is sweet
a weeping willow
his face on my pillow
comes to me still in my dreams
and there i saw
a young baby
a beautiful daughter was she
a face from
a painting
red cheeks and teeth aching
her eyes like
a wild irish sea
a table in her yellow dress
a photograph feigned happiness
why in my life is that the only time
that any of you will smile at me
i'm sailing on this terrible ocean
i've come for my self to retrieve
too long have i been feeling like lir's children
and there's only one way to be free
he's shy and he speaks quietly
he's gentle and he seems to me
like the elf-arrow
his face worn and harrowed
is he
a daydreamer like me
A Prefect Indian ------Sinead O'connor
Sinead O'Connor ,90年代最具个性并最富争议的流行音乐巨星之一,在整个十年里涌现的无数女歌手中,她无疑是最具有影响力的。孤傲直率的言辞、倔强的光头、愤怒的面容以及不修边幅的行头---矛头直指长久以来大众心目中女性柔弱性感的形象。Sinead彻头彻尾地改变了摇滚女乐手的形象,坚称自己决不是性感偶像而是严肃的艺术家。她所掀起的这场反叛为后来的The cranberries 、Liz Phair 、Courtney Love和Alanis Morissete的涌现奏响了序曲。
O'Connor于1966年12月8日出生于爱尔兰共和国首都都柏林。她的童年生活充斥着动荡与创伤:8岁父母离异,19岁母亲葬身车祸,在此期间遭受母亲的长期虐待---也许正是因为渴望母爱,才会有Universal Mother这张充满母性光辉的专辑诞生。她曾被天主教学堂开除,后因在超市中行窃被捕,并被送进少年管教所。
15岁那年,在为一个婚礼演唱Barbra Streisand的老歌"Evergreen"时,她的演唱天赋被Paul Byrne,一个名叫In Tua Nua的爱尔兰乐队鼓手发现。在合作完成了In Tua Nua 的第一首单曲"Take My Hand"之后,Sinead离开了寄宿学校,因为她找到了自己真正想做的事-音乐。她开始在咖啡馆里演唱。随后进入都柏林音乐学院进修声乐和钢琴。
1985年她和Ensign唱片公司签订了合约,并定居伦敦。接下来的一年,她完成了音乐创作的首次尝试---和U2的吉他手the Edge一起为电影The Captive配乐。但这次尝试远未达到她所设想的效果---歌曲中凯尔特民歌的味道太浓厚了---用她的话说是"太凯尔特了"。她决定自己坐上制作人的位置,并开始重新录制这张唱片。凭着从91圣歌中得到灵感,并巧妙地借鉴,她为电影the Lion and the Cobra制作音乐,由此诞生了1987年最受称赞的专辑,其中的两首单曲"Mandinka"和"Troy"交替打榜。